miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009

"Do Schools Kill Creativity"

In the conference of Ken Robinson he talks about how the educational system of the hall world truncates the imagination and creativity of children.
He defined creative like the capacity of having original ideas that have value more often, to make interact different disciplinary ways of seeing things. He says that because in the modernity, people is not prepared to be wrong, and for that reason they not give them de space necessary to creativity, and those it is what inculcates the educational system. That´s way kids have become frightened of being wrong, and have lost the capacity of let their been for their imagination. In other words, adults are educating kids out of their creative capacities.
Every education system has the same hierarchy of subjects. “At the top are mathematic and languages, then humanities and at the bottom are the arts.
On this logic, public education it´s focused on produce university professors, who lives in their heads, and they´re disembodied, which is too bad to the creativity.
The hierarchy of the educational system has become rooted on two ideas: The first one is produce the most useful subjects for work, and the second is academic ability, which comes to dominate our view of intelligence.
If we promote this traditional way of education that makes strip mine the earth for our particular commodity, in a few years it won´t serve us anymore. For this reason we must redefine the fundamental principles of education to change this situation.

1 comentario:

  1. Consuelo, Do you agree with any of the ideas presented by Ken Robinson? Do you think you will take them into consideration some day?
    Please be careful with the following:
    (hall world) : Spelling problem
    (people is not prepared): What’s the correct ofrm of the verb? Why?
    (He defined creative like the capacity): (a) creative is an adjective. Ex a creative teacher / creativity is the noun. Ex. a child full of creativity. (b) Do you remember the difference between ‘as’ and ‘like’?
    (He says that because in the modernity, people is not prepared to be wrong,): Is ‘because’ necessary in this paragraph?
    (they not give them )You never say: I not, you not, he not, etc. Remember that you have to include information about the tense you are using. Ex. I don’t know / yo’re not / he didn’t / etc.
    (THE space necessary) What’s the word order?
    (and those it is what inculcates the educational system): three problems here. Can you spot them?
    (That´s way): Either ‘that way’ or ‘that´s the way’, depending on the context.
    ( the capacity of let their been for their imagination.) Not clear enough.
    (adults are educating kids out of their creative capacities): Look up the word ‘deprived’ in a dictionary and then correct your sentence.
    , (public education it´s focused) (on produce): Double subject!
    (professors, who lives in their heads, and they´re disembodied), professors who LIVE ..., AND WHO are...
