miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009

My ideal Job

I have thought on my ideal job many times, and in my thoughts are different aspects that I consider to be relevant, for example, that lets me have an independent way of live, and with this I’m referring that my life must not be tied to the work, to do the activities that I’ll want to do.

I hope I find a job that let me work in the social area, and no on marketing or superficial or trivial things, because I know that I can’t change the world, but I would like to do some changes or At least to denounce aspects that will be unjust to me, and to promote any type of solution.

I think that I will be good in a job like that because always I`ve interested in those themes, but I know that exist a very important aspect to consider in the moment to execute my work and that the results are the awaited ones: To be recognized in the area of investigation for the specific projects that I should realize. For this reason I must be constant, because I know that to be recognized I must to work hard, and to be acquiring experience and skills in the way. For example, to develop my sociological intuition to identify conflicts and the ways necessary to solve them, and to do that I must be able to handle all kinds of technologies of analysis of information, both quantitative and qualitative.

The difficult of find this kind of job are develop those skills to recognized and knows how to adapt my times to make my way of life and my work compatible.

"Do Schools Kill Creativity"

In the conference of Ken Robinson he talks about how the educational system of the hall world truncates the imagination and creativity of children.
He defined creative like the capacity of having original ideas that have value more often, to make interact different disciplinary ways of seeing things. He says that because in the modernity, people is not prepared to be wrong, and for that reason they not give them de space necessary to creativity, and those it is what inculcates the educational system. That´s way kids have become frightened of being wrong, and have lost the capacity of let their been for their imagination. In other words, adults are educating kids out of their creative capacities.
Every education system has the same hierarchy of subjects. “At the top are mathematic and languages, then humanities and at the bottom are the arts.
On this logic, public education it´s focused on produce university professors, who lives in their heads, and they´re disembodied, which is too bad to the creativity.
The hierarchy of the educational system has become rooted on two ideas: The first one is produce the most useful subjects for work, and the second is academic ability, which comes to dominate our view of intelligence.
If we promote this traditional way of education that makes strip mine the earth for our particular commodity, in a few years it won´t serve us anymore. For this reason we must redefine the fundamental principles of education to change this situation.

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009

Qualitative techniques

During the career I have had a lots of different subjects, and at the beginning those was very general and no so related with the career. For that reason, in the first year I didn´t like sociology very much, but I decided gave it a second opportunity and wait to know how were the subjects that would come later.

Now, in the third year, I have subjects more specifics about sociology, and I think that my favourite one it is “Qualitative techniques”, and it´s given by Klaudio Duarte.

I like it because consist of learn how to work with people to get valuable information of a particular theme, and it gives you the tools to work with different techniques of analysis to apprehend underlying phenomena to the obvious things.

On this semester on particular (in the second level of this subject: qualitative techniques II), I´ve learned these techniques: analysis of content, structural analysis of speech and based theory.

And this is my favourite subject.