miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

My Career: Sociology

How you know, I’m studying sociology. The reason why I chose this career is that always I have worried for social matters, and I though that this career would help me to understand the phenomena that are called me the attention, and the sociologists understanding the phenomena can act and take measurements with regard to them. On this way, sociologist can contribute to society creating programs overcoming of the poverty, public policies to improve the living conditions that the current social order provide etc.
There are many necessary conditions to a sociologist could really act, for example, you should have power, a good job, recognition in the means or win a fondecyt, otherwise is very difficult to obtain financing or space of action that is taken in bill. Any way, there are many tools that a professional of society must know to use it. For example, a sociologist must know how to use the imagination to investigate problems record in the society that must be solved. Then, it`s necessary to know how understand the sociological theory about this problem to crate a investigative project. Then, you must create a good instrument of work like surveys that should answer the questions of your investigation. Another very important tool that a professional sociologist must know how to use is SPSS or other stadistic program to work with the databases that are compiled of the surveys.

My favorite subject is qualitative techniques, because it`s not about just numbers and numbers, but rather about working with people, and that it`s very important to me…

And that`s about my career in general terms…

1 comentario:

  1. Consuelo,
    I hope you become a good professional in your field and that your efforts contribute to the solution of the problems you mention.
    Please study this corrected version of your post.
    My Career: Sociology
    AS you know, I’m studying sociology. The reason why I chose this career is that (I have always worried) ABOUT social matters, and I thoughT that this career would help me to understand the phenomena that ATTRACT MY attention, and the sociologists understanding the phenomena can act and take measurements with regard to them. IN this way, sociologistS can contribute to society creating programs TO OVERCOME (-) poverty, public policies to improve the living conditions that the current social order provideS, etc.
    There are many necessary conditions FOR a sociologist TO BE really ABLE TO act, for example, you should have power, a good job, recognition in the MEDIA or win a fondecyt, otherwise IT is very difficult to obtain FINANCIAL SUPPORT or ROOM FOR action( that is taken in bill.? (*) THIS IS NOT CLEAR) Any way, there are many tools that a professional of society must know HOW to use (-) . For example, a sociologist must know how to use the imagination to investigate problems (record (*)? in (-)society that must be solved. Then, it`s necessary to know how TO understand the sociological theory about this problem to crEate aN investigative project. Then, you must create a good instrument of work like surveys that should answer the questions of your investigation. Another very important tool that a professional sociologist must know IS how to use (-) SPSS or ANother stadistic program to work with the databases that are compiled of the surveys.

    My favorite subject is qualitative techniques, because it`s not about just numbers and numbers, but rather about working with people, and that IS very important to me…

    And that`s about my career in general terms…
