miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

The future...

Well… to start I think five years it is not too much time to say that in that period I’ll have my resolved life.. I think the life it´s a continuous process that it never ends.

In five years from now, I hope I be able to live in my own house, or rent a house in a nice neighborhood. I would like to live with friends or with my boyfriend and do anything I want to do. I think this it´s my real goal: to do what I would like to do at any time. With this I refer to my professional and social life… for example get the best job to me; earn my own money to be able to travel where ever I want, meet my friends and family etc.

Principally, I would like to be happy, to be consent to my life, but not only in five years, but rather at all time of my life.

Maybe in more time, I´ll have my own family, or maybe not… that kind of things will be seen in the way of life…

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

Hello everyone, on this post I`m going to talk about one of the most important authors among sociologists, his name is Jürguen Habermas.
He is a theoretical German who developed a very interesting theory about communication in relation to the sociocultural evolution, named “Theory of the communicative action”. I chose this author because I like his theory and I think that the sociocultural evolution it is rules for its principals. Those are that the organizational universal principles of societies are relationed with the communication, because throw it people can get to the consensus and on that way get solutions to systemicly’s problems.
The reasons for which this theory seems important to me, it’s because it belongs applicable to all the societies, and simultaneously it’s capable of explaining why some problems are not able to be solved inside the same logic of the theory.
In brief, Habermas is without a doubt one of the best authors in the field, because of his many contributions to sociology.

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

My Career: Sociology

How you know, I’m studying sociology. The reason why I chose this career is that always I have worried for social matters, and I though that this career would help me to understand the phenomena that are called me the attention, and the sociologists understanding the phenomena can act and take measurements with regard to them. On this way, sociologist can contribute to society creating programs overcoming of the poverty, public policies to improve the living conditions that the current social order provide etc.
There are many necessary conditions to a sociologist could really act, for example, you should have power, a good job, recognition in the means or win a fondecyt, otherwise is very difficult to obtain financing or space of action that is taken in bill. Any way, there are many tools that a professional of society must know to use it. For example, a sociologist must know how to use the imagination to investigate problems record in the society that must be solved. Then, it`s necessary to know how understand the sociological theory about this problem to crate a investigative project. Then, you must create a good instrument of work like surveys that should answer the questions of your investigation. Another very important tool that a professional sociologist must know how to use is SPSS or other stadistic program to work with the databases that are compiled of the surveys.

My favorite subject is qualitative techniques, because it`s not about just numbers and numbers, but rather about working with people, and that it`s very important to me…

And that`s about my career in general terms…