lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

The sociology

The sociology as a social science is in an advanced level, nevertheless, as any discipline that always looks get better, has some challenges related to the following specified areas:

With regard to the technology, some challenges that it faces it, are to crate computer programs to process information, information that represents the reality in all its complexity.

What I think about this, it is that its should consider the paradigm of the complexity in the models production that they should allow to interpret the reality in its completity.

In recounted to social matters, I must admit that the elaborated theories are advanced enough. Nevertheless, the critique that I might do, is that often to realize investigations in social matters, the investigators become very attached to these theories, forcing them to study the reality, which shouldn’t be done, because there are many aspects, big or little that are important, and that not necessarily are contemplated in the theories.

With regard to the education, the sociology has much to reach and is in conditions to do it, nevertheless the critiques that I would say are related to the society, who not always takes in consideration the studies realized by the discipline that indicate which are the principal failings in the area.

I consider that these problems, more that related to the discipline, are related to the society, and with its enormous inequalities that they determine to that the education is better for the well-off sectors and of worse quality for the poor sectors. Besides this, the government and the members of parliament, who are principally members of right, prevent from solving these problems, since they seek to support their social position.

To finish, I would like to say that the sociology has many potentials, and that it should make listen by the government to improve problems as the social matters or the education ones, because the discipline with the opportunity and the resources, it`s caps of taking forward a project that little by little solves these social conflicts.

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