lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009

Self Evaluation of my academic year (2009)

Finishing the academic year there has come the time of realize a final balance, to evaluate my results, that of my class mates and that of the university in general. Makes this evaluation is very important, because it allows me to place myself in my university student context, and therefore to have a perspective of the state of my current situation to the interior of my career, and also of the evolution that I have had during its development.

To get this objective, I’m going to talk about the subject, the teachers and the experiences related with the academic life that I have had, and the experiences related with the university life in general.

To begin, I have had approximately ten subjects during this academic year, which not they all me have pleased, partly because some of them are dispersed about what the career treats itself, and also because not they all seem to me interesting. For example, “sociology of the culture”, which has an interesting name, but wasn’t approaching the topics adequately from my conception of culture, or “political sociology”, in which the teacher was very monotonous to do the classes. But also there have been subjects that have been called me the attention very much, because they are more concrete and because they come more closer to what I search in the sociology, as the theories II and IIIrd, which treat social topics as the inequality, or “techniques of qualitative investigation”, that allow to come closer the social reality of a most complete way, or " population and society ", that gives the tools to understand the demographic phenomena that they must be considered in public policies etc. For this reason, in spite of the fact that I have had subjects boring, there have been others that I have liked very much.

With regard to the scores, in spite of the fact that I don’t study very much, to my me enough good has gone in relation to the rest of my class mates, because I know to combine studies and leisure or parties. For this reason I could have shared very much with my friends, like for example sharing a beer or dancing in the "ashtray", what has allowed me to feel me full enough in my university life in general.

In conclusion, my academic life has been varied enough, but I feel that little by little I am come closer to the sociology as a profession, because every time I have subjects more concrete and interesting. But not for this reason I want that time pass quickly to be a sociologist as such, because the university not only implies an academic life, but also a university life, which it implies sharing with the friends and companions, and to enjoy the instances of entertainment, which also give experiences for the life.

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

The sociology

The sociology as a social science is in an advanced level, nevertheless, as any discipline that always looks get better, has some challenges related to the following specified areas:

With regard to the technology, some challenges that it faces it, are to crate computer programs to process information, information that represents the reality in all its complexity.

What I think about this, it is that its should consider the paradigm of the complexity in the models production that they should allow to interpret the reality in its completity.

In recounted to social matters, I must admit that the elaborated theories are advanced enough. Nevertheless, the critique that I might do, is that often to realize investigations in social matters, the investigators become very attached to these theories, forcing them to study the reality, which shouldn’t be done, because there are many aspects, big or little that are important, and that not necessarily are contemplated in the theories.

With regard to the education, the sociology has much to reach and is in conditions to do it, nevertheless the critiques that I would say are related to the society, who not always takes in consideration the studies realized by the discipline that indicate which are the principal failings in the area.

I consider that these problems, more that related to the discipline, are related to the society, and with its enormous inequalities that they determine to that the education is better for the well-off sectors and of worse quality for the poor sectors. Besides this, the government and the members of parliament, who are principally members of right, prevent from solving these problems, since they seek to support their social position.

To finish, I would like to say that the sociology has many potentials, and that it should make listen by the government to improve problems as the social matters or the education ones, because the discipline with the opportunity and the resources, it`s caps of taking forward a project that little by little solves these social conflicts.

My Free time

On my free time I like to do many different things, like to rest, to see some movie, to join with my boyfriend, to go to some park, and if it is possible, to travel to some nearby place if my free time is small, and if my free time is longer, I like to travel in more time and for more places, maybe inside of Chile or to another countries.

I like to do these things because I like to live the life to the maximum during my free time, and in other periods, like for example in the university, I only have time to study and read theory cal books, and only occasionally I can see my friends. On the other hand, I like to pass the time with my boyfriend because I like to re-trim and to share experience with, as for example the trips that we have realized for Latin America throw Peru, Equator and Colombia.

I would like to have more free time to be able to rest and do the things that I propose myself to my own proper, without having the pressure of which I have university obligations that not necessarily are of my interest, like for example subjects that I don´t care, and that in my professional future I do not go away of dedicating.

In the times that I don´t have anything that to do with regard to the university, as for example Fridays in the evening, I like to entertain in the field of the university, because there I meet other class mates and friends that I spend it well. Here I do things that it could e considered illegal, like smoke marijuana, but I don´t consider it anything badly or wrongly ... this negative valuation has to see more with cultural and moral aspects that with real negative consequences and it´s because of it that in other countries is not illegal.

As I already said, I like what I study, but I don´t like to spend time in subjects that are not called me the attention and that eats a lot of work me, as for example psychology, which actually doesn´t have great that to see with my properly such career.

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

The Faculty of Social sciences

My faculty…

The situation in my faculty is very varied, because it has some aspects gods and another no so much… It is necessary to distinguish between their material aspects, its administrative aspects and its academic aspects.

We must recognize that materially speaking, the power has been improving progressively with regard to previous years, particularly with regard to the excavators technology as the three computer rooms that have been installed, the microwaves that the administrative have install in the canteen etc… but there another aspects, like the bad implements of the library or the small availability of rooms.

By the other Hand, there are very god teachers, like Omar Aguilar in theory sociological 4

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

I’ve decided to choose the last movie that I saw, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”, directed by David Fincher.
The storyline of the movie it’s about a baby boy who is born with the appearance and physical diseases of a eighty five years old man, whose mother dies on having given birth to it, and whose father leaves him on the door of a nursing home, were he is found by the worker of the home, who decides to adopt him, be his mother and call him Benjamin.

In the course of the story, Benjamin begins to grow younger, and when he is a kid (with the appearance of a 60 years old man), meets Daisy, a young girl who visits her grandmother every weekend at the nursing house. Benjamin and Daisy become friends for ever, and when they grow up, they fall in love, but when they have a daughter, Benjamin decides to leave them, because he knows that with time he will grow younger and younger, until he turns into a baby.

This is a really god movie, because it’s completely unusual and different from the rest. The development of the story is not predictable and you are involved during the whole story. These are the characteristics of all the movies of David Fincher, like for example the fight club, the panic room etc.

The film is very long, so the soundtrack is very varied. The film's first trailer featured the "Aquarium" movement of Camille Saint-Saens "The Carnival of the Animals", and the international trailer contains the song "A Moment of Greatness" by Immediate Music. But I don’t know very much about this music.

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2009

Chapter and verse on the death penalty

The new that I chose it`s about the “death penalty” (, and how the jurors turned to the Old Testament to determine if a man on death row should die, which involves crossed and important line.

This new called my attention because it is about the capital punishment, the “death penalty”, and this is a really relevant them, not only for its significance in the field of social responsibility, or in sociological terms, the relationship between agency and structure, but also involves interesting aspects that are related with religion, which involves it with the sociological concept of “religious alienation”.

In this case, the juror of Texas introduced biblical notions into de jury discussion, because in his view, biblical pronouncements should be taken literally, and he fervently believed that "the Bible is the truth from page one to the last page", and the chapter and verse who they consulted where:

“If he smite him with an instrument of iron, so that he die, he is a murderer: the murderer shall surely be put to death”

From this crop up several questions as what they would have seen as "relevant" verses from an ancient text? Was it improper? Was it perhaps a well-intentioned, but deeply worrying deviation from the expected conduct of a jury?

In my oppinion, I think that that action were an improper and a deeply worrying deviation from the expected conduct of a jury

28 de sept