lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

The Faculty of Social sciences

My faculty…

The situation in my faculty is very varied, because it has some aspects gods and another no so much… It is necessary to distinguish between their material aspects, its administrative aspects and its academic aspects.

We must recognize that materially speaking, the power has been improving progressively with regard to previous years, particularly with regard to the excavators technology as the three computer rooms that have been installed, the microwaves that the administrative have install in the canteen etc… but there another aspects, like the bad implements of the library or the small availability of rooms.

By the other Hand, there are very god teachers, like Omar Aguilar in theory sociological 4

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

I’ve decided to choose the last movie that I saw, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”, directed by David Fincher.
The storyline of the movie it’s about a baby boy who is born with the appearance and physical diseases of a eighty five years old man, whose mother dies on having given birth to it, and whose father leaves him on the door of a nursing home, were he is found by the worker of the home, who decides to adopt him, be his mother and call him Benjamin.

In the course of the story, Benjamin begins to grow younger, and when he is a kid (with the appearance of a 60 years old man), meets Daisy, a young girl who visits her grandmother every weekend at the nursing house. Benjamin and Daisy become friends for ever, and when they grow up, they fall in love, but when they have a daughter, Benjamin decides to leave them, because he knows that with time he will grow younger and younger, until he turns into a baby.

This is a really god movie, because it’s completely unusual and different from the rest. The development of the story is not predictable and you are involved during the whole story. These are the characteristics of all the movies of David Fincher, like for example the fight club, the panic room etc.

The film is very long, so the soundtrack is very varied. The film's first trailer featured the "Aquarium" movement of Camille Saint-Saens "The Carnival of the Animals", and the international trailer contains the song "A Moment of Greatness" by Immediate Music. But I don’t know very much about this music.

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2009

Chapter and verse on the death penalty

The new that I chose it`s about the “death penalty” (, and how the jurors turned to the Old Testament to determine if a man on death row should die, which involves crossed and important line.

This new called my attention because it is about the capital punishment, the “death penalty”, and this is a really relevant them, not only for its significance in the field of social responsibility, or in sociological terms, the relationship between agency and structure, but also involves interesting aspects that are related with religion, which involves it with the sociological concept of “religious alienation”.

In this case, the juror of Texas introduced biblical notions into de jury discussion, because in his view, biblical pronouncements should be taken literally, and he fervently believed that "the Bible is the truth from page one to the last page", and the chapter and verse who they consulted where:

“If he smite him with an instrument of iron, so that he die, he is a murderer: the murderer shall surely be put to death”

From this crop up several questions as what they would have seen as "relevant" verses from an ancient text? Was it improper? Was it perhaps a well-intentioned, but deeply worrying deviation from the expected conduct of a jury?

In my oppinion, I think that that action were an improper and a deeply worrying deviation from the expected conduct of a jury

28 de sept